- The costs of last mile delivery are too high. And as rates increase, it leads to higher customer costs
- Delayed or failed deliveries
- Loss because of Theft
- Damage caused by weather
Why Smart
Parcel Lockers?
The BH New Way Lines Smart Parcel Locker is the among the best solution for unattended package/parcel delivery. It is a completely cloud-based, scalable, and adaptable electronic package/parcel delivery system that provides peace of mind. The development of our Smart Parcel Lockers System is a top priority for apartment complexes, retailers, and everyone else. The innovation in package/parcel delivery can serve as a competitive advantage for your company. With e-commerce sales expected to increase by 60% over the next three years, multifamily communities and retailers must find new ways to expedite the delivery of packages/parcels at a lower cost and with greater customer convenience.

Smart and handy. Simple and secure.
It is finally time to abandon the traditional last-mile delivery of packages and parcels. At BH New Way Lines, we believe that our solution to an old problem is the most intelligent. BH New Way Lines provides a package delivery system that is intelligent, convenient, user-friendly, and completely secure.

Proposed solution
1. Locker Master
A control device, a camera module, an ultrasonic sensor, a light tube, and an enclosure comprise the locker master’s hardware. Permanently attached to the bottom of the enclosure is a fiducial, and the components are built as follows (the parcel is included for reference).
To ensure learnability and affordance, the locker master is designed to have little interaction with the user groups and is therefore devoid of a feedback mechanism such as a screen or buttons to be pressed. The locker master is essential for ensuring contactless parcel deposit and withdrawal.
2. Locker Slave
The locker slave is a physical component with the function of storing packages. It gets locking and unlocking commands from the locker master through wireless connection. This assures that the connection is not restricted by hardware configurations (e.g., lack of sockets/ports, serial disruption) and that it may be readily scaled horizontally, hence boosting the system’s adaptability.
3. Web application
The web application acts as an intermediary between user groups and locker masters and the database. It enables receivers to execute user-centric operations, such as registering an account, logging in, logging out, registering a package, viewing its status, withdrawing a package, etc. The user can also download the mobile application for iOS and Android as an alternative to the web application.

BH New Ways Lines
Smart Parcel Lockers
Give its users 24-hour access to deliver and retrieve packages while keeps track of all activities.

Customized parcel locker security systems for your business. BH New Way Lines simplifies package delivery for your business and its employees.
Customized parcel locker security systems for your business.
BH New Way Lines simplifies package delivery for your business and its employees.
- The modular design of lockers allows you to select the locker combination that best meets your needs.
- Interactive touchscreen and keypad for the intelligent Parcel locker
- Computer-administered electronic locks
- A robust local database that enables operation in the absence of Internet connectivity.
- Simple software, including a mobile app,
- Responsible and effective, resulting in the highest customer satisfaction.